yo. what's up. i moved. Untitled Document

6:53 a.m.
so the bathroom cabinet, under the sink. both of the cats are obsessed with it. like, they scratch at it and meow at it and stuff. sometimes, i open it to get stuff out. and they sit in it but lose interest after about 10 seconds. i don't know what's up with that. oscar's in there meowing at it right now.

i plucked one eyebrow yesterday afternoon, but forgot to do the other. so i've been walking around with one finely shaped eyebrow and one not so finely shaped on.

why do i always get giant red spots on my face right before i see christian. this is annoying. i don't want him to think i'm a pimply 13 year old.

uh-oh. raoul knows i'm leaving for a few days. the autofeeders are full. he can tell. oscar doesn't believe him.

i'm making up stories about my cats. i'm pretty lame.
Saturday, May. 22, 2004

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9:30 p.m.
i still haven't started packing. what's wrong with me? laziness.
Friday, May. 21, 2004

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8:37 p.m.
vance, this is for you!

001) What time did you start this? 8:37pm

002) Name?: jodie

003) Date of birth?: 11/27/77

004) Sex?: duh.

005) Height?: 5 feet

006) Eye color?: blue

007) Location?: laurel, md

008) Where were you born?: oklahoma city

009) Do you have crush on someone? yes

010) What are you wearing right now?: crimpshrine tshirt, those pants with the pockets on the sides and blue shoes.

011) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? yeah, a couple in high school and a professor

012) Are you a virgin?: yes!!!

013) Do you smoke?: yes

014) Do you drink?: yes

015) Are you ghetto?: i think i might be. but i don't mean to be.

016) Are you a player?: nope

017) What are your favorite colors?: blue

018) What is your favorite animal?: penguins and cats. and i'm sort of into ducks right now.

019) Do you have any birthmarks?: yep.

020) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?yep.

021) Who are your best friends?: jodie

022) Have you ever beat someone up for fun? no.

023) Do you get online a lot?: yep

024) Are you shy or outgoing?: shy

025) Do you shower?: yes.

026) Do you hate school?: no, i love school.

027) Do you have a social life?: nope. except when i go to the bar with my one friend every couple of months and he introduces me around to his scenester friends.

028) How easily do you trust people? never.

029) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: yes.

030) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? i don't think people would be surprised at all.

031) Would you ever sky dive?: no!

032) Do you like to dance?: no!

033) Have you ever been out of state?: yep.

034) Do you like to travel?: not really. it's so stressful to me.

035) Have you ever been suspended from school?: no.

036) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: i did. and while i'm less freaky now, it's not that much better here.

037) Are you spoiled?: no.

038) Are you a brat?: i can be sort of a pain in the ass. but only when i'm being silly.

039) Have you ever been dumped?: no, i usually get dissed before things get that serious.

040) What's your favorite drink?: water

041) Do you like Snapple?: i guess, i don't drink a lot of stuff like that.

042) Do you drink a lot of water?: yes

043) What toothpaste do you use?: colgate extra whitening for sensative teeth. it sucks. i'm switching back to colgate total as soon as i remember while i'm at the store.

044) Do you have a cell phone or pager? cell phone.

045) Who do you look up to?: i'm short.

046) Are you a role model?: i'm relatively ethical and moral and caring, but i like sleeping with my boyfriend and getting high. i would say i'm a pretty good role model when it comes to the important stuff.

7) What name brand do you wear the most?: i like walmart because none of thier clothes have labels on them.

048) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: my name bracelet and a ring.

049) What do you have pierced?: i've had my ears peirced several times. i've had to let them close up because they get infected super fast and by everything.

050) What do you want pierced?: nothing, really.

051) Do you like taking pictures?: yep.

052) Do you like getting your picture taken?: no!!!

053) Do you have a tan?: nope.

054) Do you get annoyed easily?: parents always comment to me about my amazing patience.

055) Have you ever started a rumor?: yes, but only out of silliness.

056) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: duh.

057) Do you have your own pool?: oooh! we should be getting our passes soon!

058) Do you prefer boxers or briefs? all of my boyfriends have worn boxers.

059) Have you ever been played?: i'm sure.

060) Have you ever played someone?: yep.

061) Do you get along with your parents?: sure.

063) How do you vent your anger?: i get really quite for a while. and i stew.

064) Have you ever run away?: that's like, what i do.

065) Have you ever been fired from a job?: yeah.

066) Do you even have a job?: yes i have three

067) Do you daydream a lot? i don't usually have time.

068) Do you have a lot of ex's?: no.

069) What do you have a tattoo of?: nothing

070) What are your favorite flowers?: brightly colored

071) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: paddy costello.

073) Are you rude?: no, i'm generally very nice.

074) What was the last compliment you received?: that the sleepyhead does what i tell him.

075) Do you like getting dirty?: no, i'm actually really freaky about my personal hygene. however, my house is a mess (but not gross) with papers everywhere.

076) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie

077) Are you flexible?: nope

078) What is your heritage?: i'm from oklahoma

079) What does your hair look like right now?: curly and black and blond

080) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: i was when i was growing up. i keep meaning to start that again, but they keep having meat on sale at the giant.

081) When was your last real heartbreak?: saying good-bye to david.

082) Describe your looks?: i'm short. i'm not hot. i could stand to loose a few pounds.

083) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color:? black and blond

085) Would you ever date someone older than you?: absolutely not!

086) When was the last time you were drunk?: a couple of weeks ago.

087) When was the last time you went on a date?: last time i was with christian.

088)Would you rather give or receive oral sex?: both, oooh!

089) Have you ever given? : yes

090) Have you ever received?: yes

093) How many rings until you answer the phone? my phone plays hava nagia

094) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: yep

095) Do you look more like your mother or father?: my dad

096) Do you cry a lot?: i'm a big time cryer. but i'm pretty private about it.

098) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: i don't really do much with my left arm.

099) What phrase do you use most on the phone?: "okay, my reception is bad so if i hang up, i'll call you right back."

100) Are you the romantic type?: romance is for fools.

101) Have you ever been chased by cops? not chased.

102) What do you like most about your body?: i like my face. it's distinctive

103) What do you like least about your body?: my legs. they're short.

104) When was the last time you threw up?: a couple of weeks ago after the bar.

106) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: blue and white reebocks

107) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: have you seen my stomach?

108) Is your best friend a virgin?: ha ha.

109) Have you ever fucked someone up?: what?

110) Have you ever been fucked up?: like, on drugs so i'm passing out in the alley next to the building? yeah.

111) What color are your underwear right now?: turquoise

112) What size shoe do you wear?: 8

113) What is your screen name on AIM: spedjodie

114) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: my clothes fit, so i don't usually have that problem.

115) How are you feeling right now?: like a loser because i should be packing.

116) When was the last time you were at a party?: jobeth's wedding

117) What do you sleep in?: pajamas. i have lots of them.

118) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: oh yeah.

119) What is one of your bad qualities?: i don't think people intentionally do bad things. i'm also not very good at figuring out when i'm not wanted.

120) What is one of your good qualities?: i'm pretty nice to people.

121) Would you marry for money?: nah.

122) What do you drive?: a honda civic

123) Are you more of a mama or daddy 'schild?: i'm a daddy's girl. but not as much as i could be.

124) When was the last time you cried in school?: i think i cried everyday through high school.

125) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: could i get into playboy if i paid them $2M?

126) What time are you finishing this?: 9:22pm
Friday, May. 21, 2004

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8:08 p.m.
so i've been worried for the past few days that i was going to leave the headlights on. it's been sort of rainy and gray, the same as every other time i've left them on. i went out to go to the sleepyhead's house and the car wouldn't start. i'd left the headlights on.

so i have my emergency roadside assistance through my cell phone. (if you have at&t, you should get it. it's only $3 or $4/month.) so i called and they said it would be 20-30 minutes. that was kind of annoying because in okc it only took about 15 minutes. but then, 45 minutes passed, so i called again. then, another 20 minutes passed and i called again. then, another 20 minutes passed, and i called again. then, another 25 minutes passed, and i called again. finally, the guy called me and told me he would be there in 10 minutes. 20 minutes later he got there. so i was supposed to be with the sleepyhead from 4:45 until 8:00. but by the time i would have gotten there, it would have been 7, so i cancelled.

mel, da super, said i can get the little box that buzzes when i leave the lights on fixed. i'm thinking that's probably a good idea.

anyway, i should start packing. but, no thanks.
Friday, May. 21, 2004

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1:15 p.m.
oooh oooh oooh, i'm going to see my boyfriend tomorrow. oooh oooh oooh. i'm goign to try to get on an earlier flight. i wasn't planning on driving to the airport, but since i need to get to dc right after i get back, i'm going to have to. hopefully, since i won't be taking metro, i'll be able to get an earlier flight. i hope. if not, i'll sit at the airport and read crime and punishment in american and maybe something else if i have time.

i'll also work on the sleepyhead's treatment plan and try to come up with some stuff for us to do. first, i need a dry erase board. maybe i'll take a nap at the aeroport.
Friday, May. 21, 2004

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12:04 p.m.
i finally bought a ring to replace the one i lost in las vegas. i thought it was just a regular ol' silver ring, but it's not. it's a mood ring thing. i sort of like that. i also bought a new kitten bag. and some ribbon for the pants i hemmed too short. i should fix those this afternoon.
Friday, May. 21, 2004

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10:31 a.m.
so a few months ago, i saw that old man at the 7-11 and he was being not very nice to the middle eastern cashier. today, he was on a riding lawn mower that was being pulled down the road by a minivan. the lawn mower had a small trailor attached to it. they made a left turn across 197 and the old man gave the minivan a big thumbs up. i probably would have thought that old man was pretty cool if i hadn't seen him at the 7-11 that morning.
Friday, May. 21, 2004

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8:11 p.m.
okay, so i'm watching the american idol rejects. i should be cleaning my house or working. i think i can work while i do this. nah, i can clean the house tomorrow afternoon.

i don't really think they should show these people on tv just to make fun of them.

the things i saw on jerry springer yesterday!
Thursday, May. 20, 2004

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1:25 p.m.
i wish i could get it together and be a real girl. but i just can't.
Thursday, May. 20, 2004

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12:26 p.m.
christian called me last night and wanted to know what time my flight gets there. he thought i was going there today. but i'm not going until saturday. i wish i were going today. what day is it?
Thursday, May. 20, 2004

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9:50 a.m.
i was at office depot this morning to make some copies. there were two ducks in the parking lot. i fed them some potato chips. (low fat baked lays!) then, i went into office depot. i looked around for a few minutes and made the copies i needed. when i came out, only the boy duck was there. i asked him where his wife was. he didn't answer.
Thursday, May. 20, 2004

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8:57 p.m.
i'm bored. i'm seriously bored.

i bought the most wonderful cat stickers to send to my boyfriend. i'm never sending me anything else again, though. because. just because.

all three of the kids were assholes today. i'm glad i'm going on vacation on saturday.
Wednesday, May. 19, 2004

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10:01 a.m.
so the guy came here to look at the wall. as he stood in the doorway he said, "you don't have any cats, do you?" and i said, "yeah, one," because they don't know about oscar. and he said, "where!?" all urgent like. so i said, "right there, should i put him away?" and he said, "yes, i have a horrible fear of cats."

if you've never heard me talk about men and thier fear of cats, you've never heard me talk. do you know how much i love, love, love it that my boyfriend likes cats.

every week night i say to my boyfriend, "don't stay up too late." i've said that since the first time we talked on the phone a year and a half ago. i wonder if he's ever noticed that i say that every night. i can remember one night when i didn't say it. because i thought he wasn't going to call me anymore. because i'm insecure and self-loathing and can't imagine why someone would be even remotely interested in me.
Wednesday, May. 19, 2004

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9:30 p.m.
so i'm totally trying to set up movable type on my school space so i can log research and paper writing and stuff somewhere other than here. but i'm dumb, and i can't figure it out at all. is there anyone who knows how? and who can do it for me? i know i'm supposed to know how to do this stuff, but whatever. i'm usually pretty good at making thing up as i go along. but i've had no luck with this.

also, my printer died. so i bought a new one off ebay. it's new in the box. and i got it for $1. well, i had to pay $20 shipping, but that's still way cheaper than what i would have paid for it. plus, i don't have to buy a cartidge or anything for it because i though maybe that's what was wrong with my printer, but it wasn't.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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8:05 p.m.
this stuff used to be on the wall.

Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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7:55 p.m.
there was a storm earlier. it ripped the siding off my patio. i'll take pictures. i thought maybe it was a tornado. i was laughing at myself because i lived 25 years in oklahoma and never had a tornado go over me and then here, i've been here less than a year and already a hurricane and maybe now a tornado.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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5:27 p.m.
attention! there's nerdom in the prior entry.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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5:08 p.m.
first, i called 2800 schools and asked secretaries if thier school was considered a day treatment or residential facility. of those schools, 935 told us they were. we ended up eliminating about 85 of those because of insufficient addresses or other missing information. next, we randomly chose 400 schools to be the sample. of those 400 schools, we've had about 40 (10%!) return the survey and tell us that they aren't day treatment or residential.

today, i got an email from joe telling me that we need to make sure the principal name is on the envelop because secretaries are throwing the surveys out.

these schools are supposed to be intensive environments where everyone participates in the behavior management of students and we generally expect that to include all staff since the students are probably on intricate behavior plans.

this is really frustrating for two reasons: (a) because our sample is shrinking and we're missing schools that should be included in the research and (b) because students are in settings with people who have no idea what service they should be providing. i think the most frustrating part is that secretaries at schools we need to survey are throwing away the surveys. grrr. frustration.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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2:06 p.m.
so you know how happy it makes me that ol' bitchy kennedy is now hosting a game show. and not even a big game show, it's a cable network gameshow. do you see where being an asshole will get ya'?

we got a low-carb meal request for the conference. so i emailed it to lucky and asked her if that was something we are going to do. and she emailed me back and told me i shouldn't make jokes like that. so i told her it wasn't a joke. and she said, "no, we aren't going to do that. that box is for people who have dietary concerns that could kill them if they eat otherwise."

i'm going to watch keeping up appearances now.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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1:58 p.m.
i hope my boyfriend doesn't grow a goatee like that guy from anthrax. i don't much care for that. it's not really his style anyway, so i don't think he would. and i would still dig him if he did. but still, i hope he doesn't.

i wonder what his hair's looking like right now.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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12:34 p.m.
there's nothing i hate more than children who talk in single words, like, saying "applesauce" when they want applesause. so i'm watching oobi this morning, just to see what all the hype is. and what do i see!? hands, talking to each other in abbriviated sentences.

there are, in fact, two schools of thought regarding how you should talk to children. the first says you should bombard them with talking so they will be exposed to the words. the other says that children become overwhelmed by too much language and that you should abbrivate your language. i am a member of the first school. oobi is clearly a member of the second.

a few weeks ago, i watched a movie about a website that if you looked at it, you would die. today, i'm watching a movie about a movie that if you watch it you will die. videodrome, it isn't.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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10:27 a.m.
okay, i guess i've totally forgotten what it's like to have a day when you literally don't have to do anything. the only days like this i've had in months have been the days i've spent with christian. and while those days are super awesomely wonderful, they are still a little stressful since christian and i haven't even spent 40 days together. so i'm still worrying about stuff like, "does my hair look okay?" and "do these too long pants make me look shorter than i am?

so i'm going to spend the day cleaning the house. then, this evening, i think i'll watch school of rock on pay per view. i've never used ppv before so i'll call jobeth to find out how. maybe i'll even go to the video store. nah...i'll stay in all day.

and i don't have to see the h.o. let the party begin.
Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

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10:29 p.m.
so it seems joe and polly are writing another grant for next year. man, if we had another grant for next year, that would be awesome, because it would mean more research for me to do. the grant they're writing is on interventions and it's not really the kind of research i want to do, but it's research experience and that's what matters.

here's an npr story from this morning about the kind of kids we do research on. imagine being that kid.

i've made a change to the decision triangle. i will discuss that later.
Monday, May. 17, 2004

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9:28 p.m.
every time i start to think my boyfriend doesn't care anything about me, he does something that makes me know i'm wrong. how awesome is that!?

so i haven't yet figured out that i don't have school stuff to do right now. instead, i'll be working on getting edjj stuff all caught up and looking good. and trying to identify any strenghts (other than spitting and playing with string) to help the sleepyhead.

when i'm angry with people, i pretend like they aren't there and hope they get the point, you know, that i don't want to talk to them. that rarely works.

i'm getting a lot of flack for not liking this buffy! i got a phone call from jobeth that said, "you don't like buffy?!" and i told her no because i think it's silly and i don't like things that are magical. except i can't wait to get my twin peaks box set back so i can watch the last episode and get really scared.

i'm worried today that my boyfriend will think i'm a nerd. i told this to breaux who said, "he doesn't know?" one would think, "how could he not know?" but i don't talk to him much about the stuff i'm nerdy about. because, well, i'm afraid if i do he'll think i'm intolerable. it's like acne, you know.

christian is, by the way, the first non-nerd boyfriend i've ever had. i like that about him. i should have found a non-nerd boyfriend sooner.
Monday, May. 17, 2004

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3:48 p.m.
i took the test. it was fine. i turned in the paper. it was fine, also. it's all been very anti-climactic. at least now i have time for reading more research and writing about poverty and child abuse.

the h.o. came in and told me she hadn't studied. then, she wanted to ask me a million questions. i let her ask me two and then told her i was going upstairs to rest my eyes. she told me i was more than welcome to stay in the office. wasn't that nice of her? after today, i won't see her for a while. she told me at the start of the semester that they are going to hospitalize her. she hasn't mentioned it since. i thought i might ask here where she's going to be, but i wouldn't go visit her anyway. plus, i think she was kind of indulging the whole thing. (isn't that a nice way for me to say it!?)

can anyone describe my boyfriend's personality? i can not.
Monday, May. 17, 2004

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9:22 a.m.
i'm really excited because i can fit back into the cranberry pants again. my life is complete.

no. really. it is.
Monday, May. 17, 2004

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7:57 a.m.
i have to confess, one of the reasons i'm so excited about seeing jobeth is that it means maybe i'll get my twin peaks box set back from her. there's nothing wrong with being excited about that.
Monday, May. 17, 2004
